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The Royal Court!
Start your new dating journey here.
After much soul-searching about singleness and why good people, particularly Christians, are not getting married. You have countless dating website. Dating websites are not working due to the lack of genuine connection. All of them simply have you reviewing profiles that may or may not be true. You are to connect by reading their profile and be moved by their photo that also may or may not be true. Swiping right or left is not enough depth to truly understand who you are talking to, let alone know if you are attracted to them. Yes, this has worked for some, but it has not worked for more people than for others. When was the last wedding you attended? Hmmmmm? For me as of 2024 it was 2017. That's a long delay! Why?
This passage resonated with me.
“3 Tell her, ‘The Lord God says: You are no better than the people of Canaan—your father must have been an Amorite and your mother a Hittite! (Family issues being carried down the family bloodline.)
4 When you were born, no one cared for you. When I first saw you, your umbilical cord was uncut, and you had been neither washed nor rubbed with salt nor clothed. (Parents not trained how to properly care for their children.)
5 No one had the slightest interest in you; no one pitied you or cared for you. On that day when you were born, you were dumped out into a field and left to die, unwanted. (Not wanted.)
6-7 “‘But I came by and saw you there, covered with your own blood, and I said, “Live! Thrive like a plant in the field!” (God was cheering you on in spite of your delima.)
And you did! You grew up and became tall, slender and supple, a jewel among jewels. And when you reached the age of maidenhood, your breasts were full-formed and your pubic hair had grown; yet you were naked. (Not covered with care or protection.)
8 “‘Later, when I passed by and saw you again, you were old enough for marriage; and I wrapped my cloak around you to legally declare my marriage vow. I signed a covenant with you, and you became mine.” (The Lord Showed up all that was missing and more!) Ezekiel 16:3-8 TLB
What I see in this passage is that everyone has issues in their past. More importantly, the Lord sees us with all our mistakes, hurts, and lack of care and preparation for life from childhood! In most cases, these issues are passed down generationally. No matter what we have gone through, God has known all of our errors from the very beginning and understands the true cause of our struggles. The Lord wants us to learn how to and build successful relationships. There should be a significant difference between Christian relationships and those of the world. He wants to equip us to be our best in relating to others and to allow the right person into our hearts. The Lord is waiting to take our hand and help us become better than we have imagined. Our lives have wonderful things yet to come! That’s why you are here now! New Beginnings!!! Let’s discover what God has in store for us!
The Royal Court was created to give Christian singles a place to review what did God say about relationships, love, and who we are? Interact with people who share the same faith and goals for marriage intentionally. I have created videos to revisit who our Maker is, what He intended with marriage, and who you are as women (Queens) and men (Kings). In the first-level membership, we can explore these important topics at your own pace and new videos will be added to the site on topics for Singles. Once you have completed all required videos you can move to the second-level membership.
The Royal Court is here for Kingdom Connections!!! Kings & Queens, it's time to rule the way God intended.
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